Wilderness Act Profile: Monongahela National Forest

Wilderness Act Profile: Monongahela National Forest

Here at Custom Sticker Makers, we're committed to inspiring you, our readers, to get out and enjoy this great land.  So, adding  to our 50 yr Wilderness Act Profile Series this month, we thought that

If you're in the mood for a tranquil respite in the eastern United States, we'd share a place where state parks outnumber the traffic lights four to one. You'll soon learn it’s easy for visitors to forget about the hustle and bustle of the daily grind in exchange for the majesty and tranquil beauty of the Monongahela National Forest in West Virginia.

Whether you’re seeking hardcore adventure or a relaxing weekend away in the peace and quiet of some natural wonders, you’ll find that pleasure abounds all year long in this beautiful wilderness sanctuary.

The Monongahela National Forest, located in the north central highlands of the state, boasts 8 wilderness areas totaling over 115,000 acres. From the rugged beauty of the Blackwater Canyon to the pristine back country of the Dolly Sods Wilderness, it’s a world untouched, unhurried and unrivaled.


Once in private ownership and exploited for their timber resources, The Monongahela National Forest was established in 1920. Located in the north central highlands of West Virginia, the Monongahela straddles the highest ridges in the State. Elevation ranges from just under 1000' to 4863' above sea level.  The vast variations in terrain and precipitation have created one of the most ecologically diverse National Forests in the country.

The northern reaches of the Monongahela National Forest offer guests abundant opportunity to quench their thirst for adventure. In fact, there are more  miles of trails and endless recreation opportunities, more room to roam and more adventure than you can shake a hiking stick at. Visitors to this beautiful place will enjoy breathtaking vistas, peaceful country roads, gently flowing streams, and glimpses of the many species of plants and animals that inhabit the Forest.  You will  also see a 'working' forest, which produces timber, water, grazing, minerals and recreational opportunities for the region and nation.


The area has over 825 miles of trails which are available for hiking, mountain biking, and horse riding. Over ninety percent of the trout streams of West Virginia are within its boundaries. proving it to be a recreation destination for hunting, fishing, bird watching, trapping, and canoeing. There are over two dozen places within the national forest for staying overnight including campgrounds and cottages. There are at least 75 tree species; more than 225 species of birds;  8 federally listed threatened or endangered species of birds, bats, salamanders, and plants; 60 species of non-game/forage fish; 12 species of game fish; and numerous other species of wildlife that inhabit the Monongahela.

The natural resources of the Forest lead to a wide number of uses, ranging from extensive recreational opportunities to timber harvesting; from grazing of livestock to mineral extraction; and from clean drinking water to a place to simply recharge.

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